28 Mar 2011


OH MY GOD.......!!!that the first 3 word that came out from my mouth....
aku baru aja nonton MGMT concert few days a go...and all still stuck in my head..
ya allah ya rabbi..udah lama aku ngefans gilaaa sama MGMT and now i can really watch them...
weeeehuuuuuu...tottaly awesome!!

this is my costume...aku and teman teman boyfriend aku dah planning mau pakai Tie Dye shirt sama sama..so aku beli shirt Tie dye ini and aku modification deeeeeh.....

wehuuuuuu.....semua pakai Tie dye shirt....aku juga ketemu beberapa orang..fun banget..hehehe

aduuuuh aku mau nonton lagi..mau mau mau......hhehehe..
im having so much fun..love it...
love MGMT forever

~peace out~

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